

  • 13
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 浦东新区 金桥镇 上海市浦东新区张杨路3611弄金桥国际商业广场6座1601室
  • 姓名: 孟凡龙
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:物流 货运代理
  • 发布日期:2017-01-10
  • 阅读量:169
  • 价格:8000.00 元/票 起
  • 产品规格:021-60893472
  • 产品数量:1.00 票
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海浦东金桥  
  • 关键词:德国二手晶圆切割机,进口,报关,代理,二手晶圆切割机


    万享专注进口物流13年,专业二手晶圆切割机进口报关、报检、外贸、退税、单证、中检(CCIC)等代理,在进口二手晶圆切割机业务方面拥有丰富的经验,欢迎二手晶圆切割机进口商咨询。二手晶圆切割机进口报关联系人:何先生 二手晶圆切割机报关热线: ,021-60893472,Q ,公司地址:上海市浦东新区张杨路3611弄金桥国际商业广场6座906-908室。
    (Equipment is too old to import it? (I am engaged in the industry for 8 years, fully aware of the latest developments in the old country for imports of equipment)
    The year I personally operated in the past 2 years was:
    2013 operation of Shanghai imported German used Wade Rishi CNC milling machine production in 1978 (after the CNC) 
    in 2014 the operation of Tianjin imported Liaoning France used roll grinder production in 1975
    Has completed all the successful completion of the import process!
    Indeed is the import of second-hand equipment is different from the general cargo import.
    So what is the country's restrictions on the import of old equipment?
    China in order to prevent the destruction of solid waste into the country's environment, the state has made relevant provisions:
    1, the import of old equipment for the record, by the first Supervision Department of the Commodity Inspection Bureau
    The old equipment imported the first step (the first station) Commodity Inspection Bureau has related tasks and requirements:
    1 pressure vessels can not import 
    2 years too long not imported equipment 
    3 old equipment can not be used not be imported after the implementation of 
    4 imported equipment to the factory inspection.
    2, the old equipment pre shipment inspection and quarantine, in part by the national CCIC company founded (Department) (the implementation of the current global 9 points, the implementation of the principle of proximity) CCIC main tasks: verification of information enterprise reporting, the implementation of the inspection documents, on-site inspection shall be issued or pending departure rectification etc.
    3, old equipment import license: third part of the Beijing Department of Commerce and the local department of Commerce, this is mainly for review, according to the special equipment such as construction equipment, filling equipment, food equipment etc.
    4, old equipment import declaration; the last one is the most important link of the customs in this part is the most important, the customs will do a comprehensive review of the work, of course, the main work is the Customs Valuation
    5, old equipment delivery, commodity inspection, plant safety above is a process of an old equipment import, for our old equipment import can give the best logistics solutions!)
    工程二手晶圆切割机:电动叉车,起重机,挖掘机,铺路机,升降机,装袋机,推土机,压路机 二手晶圆切割机生产二手晶圆切割机:包装机,饮料灌装生产线,二手晶圆切割机加工生产线,榨汁机,咖啡机,过滤机。二手晶圆切割机膨化机,自动售卖机,烘烤饼干机,脱水机,灭菌机, 农业机器:收割机,采棉机
    欢迎来到上海芷琦国际贸易有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市浦东新区金桥镇上海市浦东新区张杨路3611弄金桥国际商业广场6座1601室,联系人是孟凡龙。 主要经营各种机械设备进口手续,如旧机电备案、旧机电进口装运前检验、旧机电进口许可证、旧机电进口清关、旧机电商检调离。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 公司常年供应二手设备,有需要的客户,欢迎选购,可以先进行测试,测试满意后,我们再进行交易。